49.34 $
Price for 1000Start: INSTANT Speed: Fast Quality: Premium Members Example Link: https://t.me/Channel?boost 1 Day Boost ✪ You can activate the Boost story for your channel by using this service. ✪ To activate the publishing feature, 0.1 percent of your members must promote your channel. based on this feature, Telegram statistics have been updated and you can check the amount you need to boost to activate your story you can also check the number of premium members you need and even it will show the list of members who have promoted your channel. To promote your channel, you need premium members to click on the boost link on your channel and click on Boost. ✪ If there are no available accounts and after completion, the Boost is not installed, wait until new accounts are in operation, and your Boost will be assigned, since in this case there are no refunds, just wait for the execution queue.